Scientific Advisory Committee – Call For Applications

The Australian Cardiovascular Alliance (ACvA) is a collaboration of our highest quality cardiovascular research bodies and scientific societies, individual researchers, industry and NGOs, aiming to increase the visibility of cardiovascular disease as a national health priority in the Australian community and in government.

We share a vision for Australia to be a globally recognised leader for delivering cardiovascular health outcomes through high impact multidisciplinary and collaborative research, deep linkages to national and international health systems, strong collaborations with industry and translation through policy and commercialization.

ACvA governance

The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) is a standing sub-committee of the ACvA under the leadership of and reporting to the ACvA Board.

Key ACvA groups/initiatives

  • Health Leaders Research Forums
  • Clinical themes
  • Policy & Implementation Roundtables
  • Specialist working groups

Read more about these initiatives here.

We are seeking Scientific Advisory Committee members with strong research and leadership track records, who have a commitment to the vision and goals of the ACvA and actively support diversity, equity and inclusion. The SAC will advise the Board on the development of programs and initiatives to achieve the overall vision of building a vibrant sustainable research ecosystem serving health and the economy.

 SAC Terms of reference can be found here.

SAC members will be drawn from a range of disciplines and have skills and expertise including

  • discovery science
  • commercialisation
  • research translation
  • implementation
  • health economics
  • development of ambitious, innovative, research proposals
  • development and execution of major cross sectoral partnerships
  • establishment of innovative and diversified approaches to funding.


Please submit applications based on the SAC Terms of Reference. Applications should include a two-page track record and a cover letter, including contact details of at least two referees. 

For further information, please contact Ms Kerry Doyle, Executive Director, ACvA: kerry.doyle@