Industry and Commercialisation Committee

We recognise the importance of industry as a key partner in the translational pipeline. This Committee advises and identifies key areas for industry engagement and commercialisation opportunities in the cardiovascular sector.

Professor Kerry-Anne Rye, Chair

Emerging Leaders Committee

Our Emerging Leaders Committee (ELC) was established to provide Early- and Mid-Career Researchers (EMCRs) with  greater experience and opportunity in the cardiovascular sector. 

They advise and recommend priorities for support, engagement and development of ACvA’s EMCRs through a variety of targeted capacity building programs.

Dr Niamh Chapman - Chair
Dr Ashenafi Betrie
Dr Lauren Blekkenhorst
Dr Cher-Rin Chong
Dr Katrina Colafella
A/Professor Melody Ding
Professor Sally Inglis
Dr Chengxue Helena Qin
Dr Celine Santiago
Dr Emma Thomas

Scientific Advisory Committee

The SAC is a standing sub-committee of the ACvA, providing advice to the ACvA Board on the development of programs and initiatives to achieve the overall vision of building a vibrant sustainable research ecosystem serving health and the economy.


Our SAC members have a strong research and leadership track record and are committed to the vision and goals of the ACvA. They represent a range of disciplines and have skills and expertise.

Professor Dominique Cadilhac
Professor Jon Kalman
Professor Lee Nedkoff
Professor Julie Redfern
Professor Nathan Palpant
Professor Michael Stowasser
Professor Rebecca Ritchie
A/Prof Jelena Rnjak-Kovacina
Professor Jamie Vandenberg