The Cardiovascular Health Leadership Research Forums (CV HLRFs) are designed to provide a strategic forum, at state and national levels to bring together data/evidence and expertise to allow health system leadership to identify gaps and inequities, and prioritise areas for research investment, translation and implementation into the health system. The work of the CV HLRFs is underpinned by efforts to progress development and agreement on CV clinical quality indicators.


To help embed research and evidence into the health system, identifying gaps and inequities, supporting ongoing improvements in health care and enhancing the delivery of Australian innovation and discovery to patients in a cost effective and timely manner

The national CV HLRF comprises the Commonwealth government, all state and territory health executives and clinical and analytical expertise.


Expected outcomes from the development of the clinical quality indicators include:

  • A minimum data set of clinical quality indicators and outcomes reported in near real-time (dashboard) for acute coronary syndrome, heart failure and stroke.
  • An agile approach that builds on progress and commitments to data collection and reporting in each state and territory and accelerates progress towards the near real time reporting (dashboard) goal at state/territory and national levels.
  • Embedding health economic considerations and capacity building.
  • Improving the alignment of research investments to specific gaps identified in the health ecosystem
Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged CareAustralian Institute for Health and Welfare
ACT Canberra Health ServicesAustralian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
NSW Ministry for HealthNational Cardiac Registry
Northern Territory Depart of HealthNational Heart Foundation of Australia
Queensland Department of HealthStroke Foundation
South Australian Department HealthAustralian Cardiovascular Alliance
Tasmania Department of HealthConsumer with lived experience
Western Australian Department of Health 

The inaugural National CV HLRF was held in November 2021 and was co-chaired by Professor Keith McNeil and Dr Nick Coatsworth.

A second meeting was held in August 2022, chaired by Professor Keith McNeil.

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