The ACvA Implementation and Policy Flagship, under the leadership of co-directors Professor Garry Jennings and Professor Julie Redfern, has joined forces with the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand and the National Heart Foundation of Australia to convene a national discussion to identify implementation and policy solutions for cardiovascular disease, as the leading cause of death in Australia.

The Joint National CV Implementation and Policy Roundtable provides a unique opportunity to bring the community together to collectively take the first and important steps to set a national CV Implementation & Policy agenda and action plan. In some cases, we know what needs to be done and we need to get on with it.  In other cases, the evidence is clear, but we may need some implementation research to determine the best way of going forward.

The inaugural event was held in March 2022, at the Shine Dome, Canberra with over 60 participants from government, peak bodies, and individuals spanning clinicians, researchers, primary care, allied health, pharmacists, nurses, consumers and industry. Facilitated by Professor Don Nutbeam, it was an opportunity to bring together the community and collectively take the first steps towards a National Implementation and Policy agenda and action plan.

The final report can be found below.

Click the image to download the report.