National EMCR Summit 2023

Join us in Adelaide on Wednesday 2 August, ahead of the CSANZ Annual Scientific Meeting, for the National EMCR Summit 2023. This in-person discussion on advancing career sustainability in the CVD & stroke research sector is a partnership between the Australian Cardiovascular Alliance, the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand and the National Heart Foundation of Australia.



We’ll be joined by key stakeholder representatives including government and peak bodies as well as senior researchers, EMCRs, scientific societies and organisations supporting the research sector for a national discussion on workforce sustainability, opportunities, and challenges.



The summit aims to establish a shared awareness of existing EMCR capacity building initiatives across Australia and explore how to better coordinate efforts to support workforce sustainability and capacity building, across all career stages for the cardiovascular sector.



You’ll hear from Dr Lauren Blekkenhorst, Dr Katharine Brown, Dr Anna Calkin, Dr Adrian Elliot, Professor Andrew Murphy, Dr Jessica Orchard, Dr Louise See Hoe and Professor Chris Sobey.



It will be facilitated by the ACvA’s Deputy President, Professor Jamie Vandenberg and co-facilitated by ACvA Emerging Leaders Committee members, Dr Niamh Chapman, Dr Celine Santiago and Dr Lauren Blekkenhorst.






Wednesday 2 August 2023

Level 8 Bradley Building, University of South Australia, Adelaide

Summit: 10:30 – 5:30pm

Networking: 5:30 – 7:00pm