The Honourable Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care officially launched the National Hypertension Taskforce on Thursday 8th December.
You can read the complete transcript HERE.
Here is some of what he had to say:
“The Albanese Government is delighted to see this collaborative cross-sector approach to solving a real health risk to everyday Australians – because if we want to make a difference, we must take a collaborative approach.”
“(The National Hypertension Taskforce)… is taking a whole of eco-system approach to solve a major health challenge. It’s putting patients at the centre and bringing together primary care, the research community, allied health, nurses, clinicians, pharmacists, peak bodies and governments. It’s initiating a national conversation and enabling everyone to bring their expertise to the table to make concrete recommendations and practical actions for change.”
“We have world class researchers here in Australia and we must continue to harness that talent and bring the community together to work on the most pressing health challenges. That’s how we can make a major difference to the health and lives of ordinary Australians.”
For more details you can also read our:
National Hypertension Taskforce PRESS RELEASE
The National Hypertension Taskforce is a partnership between the Australian Cardiovascular Alliance (ACvA) and Hypertension Australia (formerly the High Blood Pressure Research Council of Australia) set up to address Australia’s poor rate of controlled blood pressure. It’s a cross-sector collaboration including patients, primary care, the research community, allied health, nurses, clinicians, pharmacists and peak bodies.
The Hypertension Taskforce includes members from the following organisations: