Hypertension in Australia
High blood pressure (hypertension) is the leading risk factor for death in Australia and the world, leading to 10.8 million deaths globally each year. Currently, in Australia high blood pressure is under diagnosed and poorly managed. One in 3 adults in Australia has hypertension, but only half of these people know they have it. Of those, only 32% have it controlled to target levels with medication or lifestyle.
Raised blood pressure in Australia is responsible for 43% of coronary heart disease, 41% of stroke, 38% of chronic kidney disease and 32% of atrial fibrillation. Unfortunately, Australia’s blood pressure control rates lag behind countries like Germany, South Korea, Canada and the US (Schutte 2022).
The National Hypertension Taskforce
To address this national health problem, the ACvA and Hypertension Australia have joined forces and established the National Hypertension Taskforce with a vision to increase Australia’s blood pressure control rates from 32% to 70% by 2030.
The National Hypertension Taskforce is cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary. It is the result of multiple stakeholders coming together to focus on a single goal. The Taskforce has members representing consumers with lived experience, primary care doctors, specialist clinicians, allied health, pharmacists, nurses, researchers, peak bodies and professional societies.
The Taskforce is informed by domestic and international consultation with experts which took place as part of the ACvA’s Hypertension Clinical Theme Initiative which brings the cardiovascular and stroke sector’s together to strategically address the biggest unmet needs in cardiovascular disease and stroke.
The National Hypertension Taskforce is Co-led by Professor Alta Schutte and Professor Markus Schlaich.
International Advisory Group
An International Advisory Group has been established to provide strategic advice on implementation and policy approaches to achieving the goals of the Taskforce.
They are:
- Professor Norm Campbell, Professor Emeritus, University of Calgary, Canada
- Professor Sheldon Tobe, Professor of Medicine, University of Toronto, Canada
- Professor Janet Wright, Director, Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, USA
- Professor Pedro Ordunez, Advisor for Chronic Diseases, Pan American Health Organization
- Professor Andrew Moran, Director, Global Hypertension Control Resolve to Save Lives
- Professor Mike Rakotz, Vice President, Health Outcomes, American Medical Association
- Professor Paul Muntner, Principal Deputy Director, Office of Science, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA
Taskforce Launch
The National Hypertension Taskforce was officially launched by the Honourable Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care on the 8th December 2022.
You can read the complete transcript HERE.
Taskforce Priorities, Roadmap and Working Groups
The Taskforce has published its Roadmap to achieve 70% blood pressure control in Australia by 2030 (see below). To achieve this goal, five key priority areas were identified and working groups established to address them.
To learn more about the Taskforce and its Roadmap and Working Groups, please head over to their dedicated website here.
View our policies below:
Reports and Publications
Uncontrolled blood pressure in Australia: a call to action
Medical Journal of Australia, 2022
National Hypertension Taskforce of Australia: a roadmap to achieve 70% blood pressure control in Australia by 2030
Medical Journal of Australia, 2024
Project Contact
Dr Catherine Shang | catherine.shang@ozheart.org