We are excited to announce the deadline has been extended for Expressions of Interest to join the ACvA Precision Medicine Flagship Advisory Group.
This is a unique opportunity for researchers passionate about advancing precision medicine in cardiovascular disease and stroke to contribute to shaping the future of this important area of research.
As the Precision Medicine Flagship enters a new phase, we are seeking to refresh our Advisory Group with new members who bring fresh perspectives. We encourage all members of the ACvA community to consider applying. This is also an excellent opportunity to support early and mid-career researchers so please circulate this call within your networks.
Before applying, please read the Call for Application and Terms of Reference.
Please provide a cover letter (2-page max.) and two-page CV that best demonstrates your motivation, commitment and ability to meet the requirements of the role for a two-year term.
All applications should be submitted to acva@ozheart.org by COB 19 October 2024.
For further information please contact Kerry Doyle, CEO at kerry.doyle@ozheart.org .
Please note that being a Flagship Advisory Group member is a non-salaried honorary appointment.