Welcome to our new Disease Mechanisms Advisory Group

A few months ago, we announced the addition of a 7th flagship, Disease Mechanisms, to the ACvA organisational structure.

We wanted Disease Mechanisms, as a name, to express engagement with Basic Scientists as well as proximity to patients and a closer integration with the broader ACvA community.

We put a call out for EOIs to join the Disease Mechanisms Flagship Advisory Group and now we’d like to warmly welcome our newest flagship members:

Susann Beier

Brian Drew

Diane Fatkin

Juliana Hamzah

Mary Kavurma

Julie McMullen

 Alex Pinto

Sonia Shah

Nicola Smith

Jordyn Thomas

Antony Vinh

Connie Wong

Morag Young

We’re excited about the unique expertise which they bring to the Disease Mechanisms Flagship and look forward to new ideas and better integration for Basic Scientists to the translational pipeline.